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All Locators for finding WebElements in Selenium/PlayWright

Selenium is an open source library/toolset for automating web browser interactions within a web application. 

Now these interactions can be created using Locators. These locators are used to identify webElements within a web page. These elements can vary from images, buttons, dropDowns, calendars, input fields etc. 


What are different types of locators in Selenium?

ID - A webElement having a unique ID attribute, then it can be used to identify it. 

Example - driver.findElement("depart-from")); 

NAME - A webElement having a unique NAME attribute, but in most cases multiple elements can have the same name, so it’s less reliable. 

Example - driver.findElement("signInButton")); 

LinkText : Accessing links using their exact link text, This makes it easy to create such locators, but these are flaky because they can fail when text changes for links used.

Example: driver.findElement(By.linkText("click here")).click();

Partial LinkText : Accessing links using a portion of their link text is done using the By.partialLinkText() method. 

Example: driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("here")).click();

TagName : Using the HTML tagname directly to identify the webElement. It is easy to implement but can be challenging to find a unique tagname each time. 

Example: driver.findElement(By.tagName (“htmltagname”));

// Click on the textbox and send value  


CSS : Used to identify webElements based on different properties such as:




1. CSS selector finding webElements using ID

Majorly there are 3 ways to find elements using ID in CSS selectors:-

We can use “#” notation to select the “id” attribute of an element

We can use tagName and “id” attribute of an element

We can use syntax like - <tagname>[id=’<id value>’]

driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a#offers")) // Using tagName & ID
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#offers")); // Using only ID
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[id='offers']")); // Using a fixed syntax

2. CSS Selector finding webElements using ClassName

Majorly there are 3 ways to find elements using ClassName in CSS selectors:-

We can use “.” notation to select the “class” attribute of an element

We can use tagName and “id” attribute of an element

We can use syntax like - <tagname>[class=’<class value>’]


driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a.Navbar_logo")); // Using tagName & className

driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".Navbar_logo"));; // Using only className

driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[class='Navbar_logo']")); // Using a fixed syntax

3. CSS Selector finding webElements using Attribute

Majorly there are 1 way to find elements using Attribute in CSS selectors:-

driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(“<tagname>[href=’<href value>’]”));



Note: Other attributes like placeholder, text etc. can also be used!

XPath (XML Path Language)

It enables testers to navigate any DOM XML structure, which can be used on both HTML and XML documents

Majorly there are 2 ways to create XPath:

Absolute XPath

Relative XPath

Note 1: CSS selectors are considered to be faster to work as compared to XPath, but I didn’t find any such issues & I have primarily been using XPath selectors. 

Note 2: XPath selectors work in both forward and backward tracing of elements in DOM.

Absolute XPath : Begins from the root of the HTML document and specifies the complete path to the element. It’s not as flexible and can break if the page structure changes.

Example: html/body/form/input[3]


Relative XPath : Starts from a specific element and navigates through the DOM hierarchy to locate the desired element. It’s much easier to customize and use. Double slash is used to create relative xpath.

Example: //form/input[3]


Single slash ‘/’ anywhere in xpath signifies to look for the element immediately inside the parent element.

Double slash ‘//’ signifies to look for any child or nested-­‐ child element inside the parent element.

Syntax: //tag[@attribute='value']

Understanding Xpath Creation: 

Using Text of the element to build xpath:

Syntax: //div[@class='homepage-­‐hero']//a[text()='Enroll now']

Using Contains Keyword to find the elements:

Syntax: //tag[contains(attribute, ‘value’)]

Using Starts-­‐With Keyword  to find the elements:

Syntax: //tag[starts-­‐with(attribute, ‘value’)]

XPath Axes: 

Parent Keyword - used to retrieve the parent node of the current node selected

Syntax: xpath-­‐to-­‐some-­‐element//parent::<tag>

Example: //[@id='rt-feature']//parent::div

Preceding Sibling Keyword - will return the immediate element of the particular element

Syntax: xpath-­‐to-­‐some-­‐element//preceding-­‐sibling::<tag>

Example: //[@type='submit']//preceding::input

Following Sibling Keyword - will return the preceding element of the particular element

Syntax: xpath-­‐to-­‐some-­‐element//following-­‐sibling::<tag>

Example: //[@type='text']//following::input

Descendant Keyword - will return the descendant elements of the particular element. It returns all the webElements which are present with that particular selector. 

Syntax: xpath-­‐to-­‐some-­‐element//descendant::<tag>

Example: //[@id='rt-feature']//descendant::a


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